Thursday, April 29, 2010


salam kaba??..hope all of u doing great today...klo bc entry to mesti dh dpt agak ttg pa kan....YESSZAA!!!...i'm outstation again from 29th of April until 3rd of cycling team got tournament here at Limbang, Sarawak...i'm using 'belon' (flight) to come here...the best part is, i got a chance to sit at the window wooo.....puas i tgk permandangan dr atas...b4 ni klo naik belon, msti kat bhgn tgh or kat hujung tepi jalan kali ni x lg...n tanpa segan silu nya...aku ber'snap'2 dlm belon....hahhha....buat muka x malu wei....peduli apa i....bkn i x byr pun naik belon (act, company yg tanggung pun)...gpun i x kacau org....i ambik gmbr ni pun, semata2 nk kongsikan dgn semua kwn2 yg baca blog i ni...especially to ALL MY CUTEST N HENSEM apa lg, meh i kasi tunjuk gmbr tu smua k...enjoy watching frenz...

ni time dh smpi kat epot miri...tgh tggu flite utk ke Limbang
ni la tiket aku, 1st time naik maswing...hehehhe...
ni la epot limbang...kecik je...xda pe pun kat dlm tu..aku pun ddk luar la tgg org ambik
bagasi yg sntiasa menemaniku...dh 7 thun setia bersma ku...huhuhu la hostel tmpat aku stay...aku lbih suke stay sme dgn atlet2 aku...bru BEST!!!
ni plak, keadaan dlm bilik...
 tu la gmbr2 yg sempat i ambik spanjg perjlnan utk smpi ke limbang yg ambik msa lebih kurang 2jam cmtu naik flite...selamat smpai n selamat jgak aku menjalankan kerja kat ctu...n muka pun mmg hitam giler sbb xpe...yg plg pnting skali, aku ENJOY!!!

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Sedap nya hingga Menjilat Jari...

Salam buat smua kwan2 yg sudi baca my blog...disebabkan ari ni MASHUK sgt...i pun mengistiharkan sesi makan PIZZA....hehehhe...beruntung btul member2 ofis ku nih...hehehe....Rezeki datang bergolek la katakan...hehehe....Oleh yang demikian (chewah,...ayat karangan gitu)...i xdpt nk blnja member2 dlm blog ni, tp i dpt blanja u all tgk gmbr k...hehehe...totally bru je ambik td tau....

Times to ENTER the place....
go and ROCK this PIZZA HUT...hahahahhaha (gelak dgn penuh lagak yg lapar)

Come on....lets we choose....
Everything looks fantastic delicious when in HUNGRY mode....
My Friends SUPER DUPER dizzy to choose the meal....

At last, all the meals are come to our table after took more than 17 minutes...hmmm
 Garlic Bread with Chicken Soup...nyummmy...

 PEPSI...wajib ada...


 buat I lapar blik je...huhuu

Time to EAT...

So, Friends...enjoy ur imagination when eating PIZZA k....hehehhe....anggap je I yg blanje k...anyway...TQ for u All...

Bukit Panorama...Fantastic!!...

hello guys....hw are u?...harap smuanya chat2 ari ni...dlm contengan yg sebelum ni Penat tp BEST!!! i da ckap yg i g Sg Lembing Pahang, utk bwak team cycling swak g MBK Challenge (Mountain Bike). kat sna berkesempatan jgak jmpa rider2 National yg HEBAT2... antara nya Anuar Manan, Adiq Husainie, and byk lg la...x ingat nma dah...even this challenge is not their offical event...but, i solute la sma diorg ni...they done a GREAT job...with all the spirit as a CHAMPION, there are NO word 'GIVE UP' in their la atlet2 yg kta harus banggakan utk mgharumkan nama MALAYSIA di mata yg xbest nya tu...malu xsempat nk ambik gmbr sma ngn diorg...huhuhu...apa2 pun...i doakan u all terus BERJAYA dlm arena sukan...

Selepas selesai je tournament kat Sg Lembing ni, we (myself, cycling coach, n athlete) decide to climb Bukit Panorama to watch the best scene is SUNRISE...hehehe...dis task is not a big deal for the athlete...becoz, they are fit already tom climb any hill or mount.....but for me, its a little bit difficult...mana x nya...berat bwak lemak je climb hill...hhuuhu...walaupun cmtu, i usaha jgak naik tau...I'll never give up...i keep climbing until I reach top of the lat...dis is what i got
beautiful sunrise...i cant see the sun because its being cover by the cloud...

An island in the middle of cloud sea...SubhanAllah...very beautiful scene

I'm not sure, what kind of flower is this...but what I know is, it look too fresh...just like a born baby....hehehe

 Its look cool and fresh...all the mist gather around and give me the best relaxing feeling ever

These mist made me crazy...they look so lovely flying around....
Can someone tell me what is this??...i just want to take the picture, but i do not know what is this...hehehe

The mist getting vanish...we can see a few of places down there from the hill...

I dedicate this flower to all my fellow friends...hope all of you have a fantastic day everyday...
Be remember, today is better than yesterday, and give the best thing for yourself each that, there are NO regret in your life...
This pink flower special dedicate to all my friend who LOVE PINK...just like a friend of mine, very obsess with PINK Aida the Pinkgoddess

Dear friends, in my previous contengan I LOVE to take picture..., I share one of the picture that I took in Sg Lembing, Pahang....I hope, all of you LOVE to see my picture...
Note: picture taken by me
Camera: sony DSC-S800

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